Sunday, January 31, 2010

Meet Baby Dawson - Warrenville, SC

I am really behind on showing off several of my shoots, and will try to catch up on all of them after the new year. Here is Baby Dawson, with his pretty blue blanket.


Jennifer Lariscey said...


Shannon Kelley said...

he is a cutie!

Shannon Kelley said...

he is a cutie!

Summer said...

cute cute! Nice job!

Rhonda said...

aww what a cutie

Sue Ann said...

What a sweet baby!! So cute!

Unknown said...

I have the same basket ;)
He is such a sweet looking little guy!

My Crafty Mama said...

ahhhh love that second shot...such a sweetie

Christie Lacy said...

What a sweet babe!! lovely!

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

what a cute boy, love the 2nd shot

Krista said...

What a cutie!!